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Free-To-Play game ffxiv and Wildstar is real free?

It is not right that items such as Odin's Mount...The White and Red Magitek and MANY other items such as the Almeric gear released this week and so on...should be payed for. It should be part of in-game content..this game is not Free to you cannot say "We need to make money somehow". You claim to have over 6mil players..and they pay approx 13 dollars a month...thats 78mil ffxiv gil a month...936 Mil a year...Don't tell me about "Expenses"
Odin's mount shouldve been a 50 token of the FATE or even the Trial fight reward
The Red Magitek shouldve been for many Prae runs...and the White for many Castrum Runs achievement...
Almeric's gear couldve been a reward for X amount of Heavensward dungeons ran achievement...
The Gear of Scions couldve been other achievements as well that gave people content to do..
Each of the Weapons couldve been for Heavensward Dungeon ran as that Job for example.
Same goes for emotes..i remember before when a patch came...we got new emotes from a quest we can we need to pay for it ontop of our subscription?
We are PAYING you for content and paying for a FULL membership..not a Partial Membership and you make something and put it as separate? The only thing allowed to be sold should be Seasonal Gear...since if you missed it...that is your problem...but the rest? Dyes shouldnt be bought..they should be something part of ingame economy...And all these items should be part of the game...We could farm Odin's armor and wep but not his steed? and charge for a nearly 1-2 month subs for this digital item...
ff14gilhub news editor understand you run a business SE, And you have employees and you need to make investors...but if your focus is money only, and the players start to pick up on that and feel you dont' care as much about customer will lose alot of support on the day you do something wrong and people won't be loyal if they think you are not the same SE that "Reborn"d this game...They will permanently break up with you...You almost collapsed because of 1.0...but you worked hard..put ALOT of content and players felt your passion and supported you...but the direction you are taking now with all these "Optional Items" is the wrong one. Ontop of that..compared to 2.0 patches..we are getting less dungeons..trials...battle content..the MEAT of the game...What will you do next? charge us the sub but then we need to pay to get access to a "Optional" raid? A sub is a sub..we should have access to everything if this game isnt a Free-To-Play game.
I wouldn't look to Wildstar as a great example of a success story. The game doesn't even earn enough to be listed separately on NCSOFT's quarterly financial reports. Considering NCSOFT's past track record its surprising they haven't shuttered the game yet. Don't get me wrong, I like Wildstar and would probably play it if ping didn't make it almost completely unplayable for me, but they aren't a great example of a successful MMO model.

There is an argument to be made about the prices on the SE cash shop which could be valid. After all lower prices might end up meaning more items eventually sold. However without some data, which I doubt we will ever see, there is a lot of guess work to it.

It's trucking along just fine, thank you. Just because it doesn't have a million subscribers doesn't mean it's a bad game. I also wasn't using it as an example of a "success story" but rather an example of a cash shop that is MUCH more consumer-friendly. When a f2p MMO manages to provide a far better deal than the cash shop in a p2p game, that's a problem.

Except a lot of game stuff is locked behind said cash shop, or rather, the sub for the game. I wouldnt call it consumer friendly lol
You can't create or invite people to a guild, warparty, arena team or circle. you only get 3 bazaar slots for buying and selling, the game is basically gimped unless you pay more than even XIV's basic sub. Wildstars free version is almost as restrictive as FFXIVs free trial, and THAT is ridiculous, since its a F2P game.


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