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Some make you laugh, some make you cry form ffxiv

Doing Sohm Al just now I ran into a SMN who would not use Ruin, Bio, Bio II or Miasma. The only spells he ever cast were Shadowflare, Painflare, and occasionally Ruin II or Ruin III. When asked if there was any particular reason he wasn't casting these spells he listed the spells he was casting and said the others were "level locked". He meant Tri-disaster was locked due to level sync. Even after being told he could still cast his DoTs normally and being requested to multiple times, he refused to. I don't even understand..
I had a BLM in Dusk Vigil which rotation was something like this:
Blizzard 3, Blizzard 3, Fire 1, Fire 3, Blizzard 3, Blizzard 3, Fire 3, Fire 3, Blizzard. Completely chaotic! Not even a thunder dot. I really didn't bother to stop him and explain the rotation because, based on the way he was playing A) He was not going to listen B) He was not going to correct his rotation in 1 run C) I really don't bother anymore in DF... I just do my thing, everything's good with everybody and leave the duty upon completion.
I also had a SMN that never used Bane. I was on SCH. I just asked out of curiosity why he was not using Bane with his dots. He said "I'm tired". So, he started to use it but... without any dot to spread. .-.
And the daily dosis of tanks that won't use a CD like ever.


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