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Why ffxiv are summoners so neglected?

I mean, how hard is it to add some pets? WoW hunters has several. My elementalist in GW2 can summon more stuff than my FFXIV summoner. My warlock in WoW has more pets than my FFXIV summoner. Why is this allowed?

It wouldn't be acceptable for black mages to never get any more new spells, would it?

You neglect the job so much and then get surprised that people say that it shouldn't have been added at all. You know what? People would say the same thing about black mages if all they could use was Fire I, Blizzard I and Thunder I. No Flare, no Fire III, no anything else.
Its actually pretty easy.

Take Ifrit Egi and its skills and copy them. Then make a Shiva Egi with unique animations. Give it the skills stat-wise copied from Ifrit and replace fire aspected damage with ice.

Do the same thing with Garuda and Ramuh.
Then again with Titan and whomever we want with the tanking pet.

That's 3 new pets right there, no balance issue (I seriously doubt you can prove ice, lightning, ect aspected damage can push the balance). And all for the work of adding in a simple 3d model for the new pet and some particle effects. Yet you have a VERY happy Summoner playerbase.

Heck they could go further and add in ALL abilities to all pets depending on what 'stance' the pet is in. So you could have Garuda Tank, or Shiva ranged DPS. Then the summoner could simply use the pet they want to in the role they need at the time. Many MMOs have already done this.

The pet is a glorified dot. But its a visual effect the player likes to show. It should be treated as such. Simple changes that make many happy and do not upset balance at all.
We're supposed to be summoners, not black mages. We already had enough offensive spells for ourselves - if not new summoning spells then we should've gotten at least new spells that are focused on our pets, but we didn't get a single one. This is a pet job but right now, fairies are more central to scholar's gameplay than egis are to summoner's.
Are you talking about the one-and-only job out of 13 in FFXIV that got exclusive, special treatment in the form of a totally new feature that allows the user to glamour pets anytime they want to anything they want and will continue to get special attention from the Devs to get more glamours like Sephirot and Ramuh overtime?


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